Olympus Shutter Count

Check the shutter count for camera and estimate your camera's value and remaining lifetime.


Olympus Shutter Count
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Shutter count is a term used to indicate the number of times a camera’s shutter has been released. Older cameras such as the Olympus OM1 feature mechanical shutters, while modern cameras have digital ones. While a higher shutter count could potentially suggest that the camera may not be reliable over time, it can also serve as an indicator of its value.

If you’re looking to purchase or sell an Olympus OM1 vintage camera, make sure to check its shutter count before making a decision. You should find this number on the device’s base and it will likely look something like 19k (nineteen thousand). If it’s any higher than that, inspect for any signs of wear and tear before committing.

Generally speaking, Digital SLRs tend to be more resilient against greater shutter counts due to their construction materials compared to point-and-shoots. On average SLRs are expected to survive between 60k – 100k actuations before they require service – which can be costly. However, if your goal is simply to find an affordable vintage camera for casual photography, then don’t worry too much about repair costs and make sure it satisfies your requirements!


Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II Shutter Count