
How to Change Shutter Speed on Canon: A Quick Guide for Beginners

As a photography enthusiast, I know how important it is to master the art of controlling the camera’s settings. When it comes to capturing the perfect shot, one of the key factors to consider is shutter speed. With a Canon camera in hand, adjusting the shutter speed might seem tricky at first, but with some…

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As a photography enthusiast, I know how important it is to master the art of controlling the camera’s settings. When it comes to capturing the perfect shot, one of the key factors to consider is shutter speed. With a Canon camera in hand, adjusting the shutter speed might seem tricky at first, but with some practice and the right tips, it becomes an easy task.

Shutter speed is the length of time the camera’s sensor is exposed to light, thus influencing the final outcome of your images. It’s crucial to understand how to change shutter speed on your Canon camera, as it can help you create sharper images, freeze motion, or incorporate motion blur for artistic purposes.


In this article, I’ll guide you through the process of changing shutter speed on your Canon camera, offering step-by-step instructions to enhance your photography skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, this knowledge will no doubt come in handy. So, grab your Canon and let’s get started!

Understanding Shutter Speed

Before diving into the specifics of how to change the shutter speed on a Canon camera, it’s essential to have a solid grasp on the concept of shutter speed itself. Shutter speed refers to the amount of time the camera’s shutter remains open while taking a photograph, and it significantly impacts the overall exposure and quality of an image.

Shutter speed is usually measured in fractions of a second and can range from really fast (like 1/8000th of a second) to quite slow (such as 30 seconds). The faster the shutter speed, the less time the sensor is exposed to light, which can freeze motion in an image. On the other hand, a slower shutter speed allows more light to reach the sensor and can create motion blur effects that emphasize movement.

It’s important to keep in mind the correlation between shutter speed and image brightness, as well as how it affects your photography:

To better understand how various shutter speeds impact the final result, check out this handy table:

Shutter SpeedEffect on Images
1/8000 to 1/1000Freezes fast motion
1/500 to 1/250Freezes slower motion
1/60 to 1/30Can capture some motion blur
1/15 to 4 secondsSuitable for long exposure and night photography

When adjusting shutter speed, it’s also critical to consider the ** reciprocal rule ** to avoid camera shake and ensure sharp images. The rule states that your shutter speed should be at least the reciprocal of your lens’ focal length. So, if you’re shooting with a 50mm lens, aim for a shutter speed of 1/50th of a second or faster to produce sharp images.

With a firm understanding of shutter speed and its effects on photographic exposure and motion, you’ll be able to make informed decisions when changing your Canon camera’s shutter speed. This knowledge is the foundation for achieving the desired outcome in your photography, whether it’s capturing fast-moving action or creating dreamy, long-exposure images.

Canon Camera Models and Shutter Speed Compatibility

Shutter speed plays a vital role in photography, and it’s essential to know how to change it on your Canon camera. Different Canon models have varying features, so let’s discuss the shutter speed compatibility for some popular ones.

Canon EOS Rebel Series

This series includes entry-level DSLRs, such as the EOS Rebel T7i, T6i, and T6. These cameras offer shutter speeds ranging from 30 seconds to 1/4000th of a second. To adjust the shutter speed on these models:

Canon EOS 80D and 90D

These mid-range DSLRs come with advanced features, enabling you to capture fast-action sports or wildlife photography. The shutter speeds on these models range from 30 seconds to 1/8000th of a second. To change the shutter speed:

Canon EOS 5D and 6D Series

These full-frame DSLRs cater to professionals and enthusiasts alike. For instance, the EOS 5D Mark IV and EOS 6D Mark II have shutter speed ranges of 30 seconds to 1/8000th of a second. Adjusting the shutter speed in these models is similar to the EOS 80D and 90D:

Canon EOS R Series

The EOS R series includes Canon’s mirrorless cameras, which have become increasingly popular. The shutter speed range for these cameras, like the EOS R5 and R6, is from 30 seconds to 1/8000th of a second. To change the shutter speed on an EOS R camera:

To summarize, Canon camera models offer a broad range of shutter speeds depending on their level (entry, mid-range, or professional). Here’s a quick comparison:

Camera SeriesShutter Speed Range
EOS Rebel30s to 1/4000th of a second
EOS 80D/90D30s to 1/8000th of a second
EOS 5D/6D30s to 1/8000th of a second
EOS R30s to 1/8000th of a second

Always remember to switch to Manual (M) or Shutter Priority (Tv) mode before adjusting the shutter speed on your Canon camera.

Manual Shutter Speed Adjustment

Learning how to change shutter speed on your Canon camera is essential for capturing the perfect shot. It’s a crucial element of photography that affects the overall exposure and allows you to freeze motion or create motion blur. In this section, I’ll walk you through the steps to manually adjust the shutter speed on your Canon camera.

An important thing to remember when adjusting shutter speed is that it’s directly related to the amount of light entering your camera. The faster the shutter speed (smaller number), the less light will be captured, and the slower the shutter speed (larger number), the more light will be captured. To create a well-balanced image, it’s crucial to balance the shutter speed with the aperture and ISO settings.

Before we dive into the process, it’s worth noting that Canon offers different camera models with varying features. However, the general process of adjusting the shutter speed manually remains the same across most models. Here are the steps:

  1. Switch your camera to Manual mode (M) or Shutter Priority mode (Tv): In Manual mode, you’ll have control over both shutter speed and aperture. In Shutter Priority mode, you’ll control the shutter speed, and the camera will automatically adjust the aperture for correct exposure. You can change the mode using the mode dial on top of your camera.
  2. Use the Main Dial: Locate the main dial, typically near the shutter button. Turning the dial will change the shutter speed. Most Canon cameras display the selected shutter speed on the LCD panel and the viewfinder. The numbers usually range from 1/4000 to 30 seconds or B (Bulb) for longer exposures.

Consider these tips when selecting your shutter speed:

In summary, learning to manually adjust your Canon camera’s shutter speed is a valuable skill that will improve your photography. Remember to consider the lighting conditions and desired effect on your photo before selecting the perfect shutter speed. By balancing your shutter speed with aperture and ISO, you can create stunning images in various situations.

Adjusting Shutter Speed on Canon DSLRs

First, let’s clarify what shutter speed is. Simply put, it’s the length of time the camera’s shutter stays open to allow light to reach the camera sensor. Controlling the shutter speed is crucial for creating the desired effects in your photos, whether it’s freezing the motion of a fast-moving subject or capturing the soft movement of a waterfall.

Changing the shutter speed on a Canon DSLR is a straightforward process, and I’ll walk you through it step by step:

1. Set your camera to Manual or Shutter Priority mode: Canon DSLRs typically have a mode dial on top of the camera – turn it to M for Manual or Tv for Shutter Priority.

2. Use the Main Dial to adjust shutter speed: The Main Dial is usually located next to the shutter button. In Shutter Priority mode, the dial will directly control your shutter speed. In Manual mode, you may need to press and hold the Av button (usually near the viewfinder or on the back of the camera) while turning the Main Dial.

Here’s a quick reference guide for you:

Shutter SpeedEffect
1/1000s and fasterFreeze fast-moving subjects (e.g., sports)
1/500s to 1/250sHandle general movement (e.g., walking people, daily life)
1/100 to 1/30sCapture motion blur in a still scene (e.g., flowing water)
1s and slowerEmbrace the world of long exposures (e.g., nighttime or star photography)

3. Observe the camera’s metering: In Manual mode, watch the camera’s metering indicator in the viewfinder or on the rear LCD panel. You may need to adjust ISO or aperture to properly expose your shot. In Shutter Priority mode, the camera will automatically adjust the aperture.

Tips for successful shutter speed adjustment:

Remember, adjusting the shutter speed on your Canon DSLR can greatly impact the creative outcome of your photographs. Take the time to experiment and explore the possibilities that these adjustments can offer, and you’ll soon become a master at creating powerful, evocative images.

Changing Shutter Speed on Canon Mirrorless Cameras

I’ll guide you through the process of changing shutter speed on your Canon mirrorless camera. This is a crucial skill for photographers, as adjusting the shutter speed enables you to capture images with the perfect exposure and create desired effects, such as motion blur or freeze motion.

Locating the Shutter Speed Dial

Canon mirrorless cameras usually come with a dedicated shutter speed dial on the top of the camera, making it easier to locate and adjust. You may also see it represented by the “TV” (Time Value) mode on the mode dial.

Steps to Change Shutter Speed

Follow these simple steps to change the shutter speed on your Canon mirrorless camera:

  1. Power on the camera and make sure it’s in Manual (M) or Shutter Priority (TV) mode.
  2. Locate the shutter speed dial or the TV mode (if your camera has a mode dial).
  3. Turn the dial to your desired shutter speed. Experiment with different speeds to achieve the intended effect in your photos.

Tip: In general, faster shutter speeds freeze motion, while slower shutter speeds create motion blur.

Here’s an example table to help guide you:

Shutter SpeedEffect on Image
1/2000 sFreeze Fast Motion
1/500 sFreeze Slow Motion
1/60 sSlight Motion Blur
1/15 sModerate Motion Blur
1/2 sExtreme Motion Blur

Adjusting Shutter Speed with the Touch Screen

Most Canon mirrorless cameras come with a touch screen, allowing you to adjust shutter speed even more quickly:

  1. Tap the Q (Quick Menu) button on the touch screen.
  2. Select the shutter speed setting displayed.
  3. Swipe left or right to adjust the shutter speed to the desired value.

Keep in mind that not all Canon mirrorless cameras have the same interface, so it’s always a good idea to consult your camera’s user manual for specific instructions.

Additional Considerations

When changing shutter speed, you might want to take note of a few additional points:

Now that you know how to change shutter speed on Canon mirrorless cameras, you’re well on your way to capturing those perfect shots. Happy shooting!

Impact of Shutter Speed on Your Photos

Shutter speed is a crucial aspect of photography, playing a significant role in capturing the perfect shot. In this section, I’ll discuss how changes in shutter speed can affect your images and even help convey your artistic vision.

The first thing to understand is motion blur. With faster shutter speeds, you’ll be able to freeze action and create sharp images. On the other hand, slower shutter speeds allow for more light exposure which can result in motion blur. This can be useful to convey movement in subjects like running water, sports, or oncoming traffic.

Adjusting your shutter speed can have a direct impact on the exposure of your photos. Faster shutter speeds limit the amount of light that enters the camera, producing darker images. Slower shutter speeds let in more light and can potentially lead to overexposure if not used properly. It’s important to choose the appropriate shutter speed to maintain the desired exposure levels.

An ideal example of shutter speed adjustments can be observed through the following table:

Shutter SpeedEffect
1/1000sFreeze fast action, minimal motion blur
1/250sFreeze slower action, minimal motion blur
1/60sHandheld shooting, risk of camera shake
1/8sIncreased motion blur, tripod recommended
30sExtreme long exposure, night photography

When shooting in low light conditions, a slower shutter speed is often necessary to achieve proper exposure. However, it also increases camera shake risk, as even the most stable hands can cause slight blurs. To prevent this, a tripod is highly recommended to maintain quality.

With certain creative techniques, you can also use shutter speed to modify the aesthetics of your photos. Some examples include:

Remember that shutter speed is just one aspect of the Exposure Triangle, which includes aperture and ISO settings, too. Balancing these three elements is essential to capture well-exposed and aesthetically pleasing photos.

In conclusion, understanding the impact of shutter speeds and mastering its use can help elevate your photography skills, allowing for more stunning and creative images.

Using Shutter Speed Creatively

I’ve always been fascinated by the endless creative possibilities of shutter speed. It allows me to capture the world in various ways and convey different aspects of a scene or a moment. Let me guide you through some exciting techniques I’ve discovered to use shutter speed creatively with your Canon camera.

Long Exposure Photography is an excellent way to explore creativity with slow shutter speeds. This technique involves leaving the shutter open for an extended period, resulting in light streaks, blurring of moving objects, or a dreamy, smooth appearance in water and clouds. Some popular subjects for this technique include:

To achieve these effects, first, you’ll want to set your camera to Manual mode (M) and use a tripod for stability. Select a shutter speed slower than 1 second, and adjust ISO and aperture accordingly to attain a proper exposure.

Slightly faster shutter speeds also offer exciting possibilities. They let you freeze motion to create a sense of dynamism and drama. I often use this technique to capture:

To accomplish these shots, switch your camera to Shutter Priority mode (Tv) and set a fast shutter speed, usually between 1/500 and 1/2000 of a second, depending on the subject’s speed. Don’t forget to increase the ISO in low light conditions and anticipate the action to nail the perfect shot.

Utilizing shutter speed to pan with a moving subject can deliver truly impressive results. This method involves moving your camera at the same speed as the subject, while using a relatively slow shutter speed, to create a sense of direction and motion. Here are a few tips to master this technique:

By mastering these creative uses of shutter speed on your Canon camera, you’ll enrich your photographic repertoire and capture extraordinary images that truly stand out. Embrace the possibilities, experiment, and watch your photography skills soar.

Common Shutter Speed Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When experimenting with shutter speed, it’s easy to make some common mistakes that can affect the outcome of your photos. But don’t worry! I’m here to help you identify these issues and learn how to prevent them.

1. Blurry images due to slow shutter speed

Slow shutter speeds can lead to blurry photos, especially if you’re capturing fast-moving subjects or shooting handheld. To prevent this:

2. Overexposure or underexposure

Using an incorrect shutter speed can result in overexposed or underexposed shots. To avoid this:

3. Motion blur in unwanted areas

Sometimes you might intentionally want to capture motion blur, but you may end up with it in unwanted areas. To prevent this:

Here’s a simple table to help you decide on the right shutter speeds for various situations:

SituationSuggested Shutter Speed
Freezing action1/500s or faster
General photography1/60s to 1/125s
Landscapes & still subjects1/30s or slower

4. Ignoring camera limitations

Finally, it’s essential to understand your Canon camera’s limitations when changing shutter speed:

To recap, avoiding common shutter speed mistakes involves understanding the exposure triangle, using the right shutter speed for your subject, being aware of your camera’s limitations, and developing proper shooting techniques. By paying attention to these guidelines, you’ll be on your way to mastering shutter speed and capturing stunning images with your Canon camera.

Essential Tips for Mastering Shutter Speed

Mastering shutter speed is key to capturing amazing photographs, and I’m here to give you some essential tips on doing just that. With this knowledge under your belt, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle various lighting conditions and motion scenarios.

Understand the basics: First and foremost, it’s vital to understand the fundamental relationship between shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. Shutter speed controls the duration of light exposure, while aperture regulates the amount of light entering the camera, and ISO determines how sensitive your camera’s sensor is to that light.

Fast vs. slow shutter speeds: Fast shutter speeds, like 1/1000th of a second, can freeze the motion of a moving subject, creating a sharp, focused image. Slow shutter speeds, such as 1/60th of a second or lower, create blurred motion effects, conveying movement in your shot.

Use a tripod for stability: When shooting at slow shutter speeds, it’s important to ensure your camera remains stable throughout the exposure. A tripod is the perfect solution for this, as it minimizes camera shake and helps achieve sharp images.

Handy shutter speed examples to keep in mind:

Experiment with panning: Panning is a technique that involves tracking a moving object with your camera, while using a relatively slow shutter speed, to create a sharp, focused subject against a blurred background. It takes practice, but it’s a fantastic way to convey motion in your shots.

Bracket your shots: It can be tough to select the perfect shutter speed for a given situation, so I recommend bracketing your shots. Take a series of photos with different shutter speeds, then review them to find the one that best captures your intended effect.

Shoot in Shutter Priority mode: When you want to prioritize shutter speed adjustments, use your camera’s Shutter Priority mode (Tv on Canon). This allows you to directly control the shutter speed, while the camera automatically adjusts aperture and ISO to maintain proper exposure.

Just remember, practice makes perfect, and it’s through experimentation that you’ll fully master shutter speed and take your photography to new heights.

Conclusion: Upgrading Your Shutter Speed Skills

Throughout this article, I’ve covered the steps needed to change shutter speed on a Canon camera. To round off, I’ll summarize the crucial points that I highlighted and provide some tips on enhancing your shutter speed skills.

To change shutter speed on a Canon DSLR, remember these essential steps:

  1. Turn on your camera and switch to Manual or Shutter Priority mode.
  2. Adjust the dial (or arrow buttons) to set the desired shutter speed.
  3. Check the exposure by viewing the exposure meter.
  4. Take a few test shots to ensure optimal results.

Keep these tips in mind to improve your ability to use advanced shutter speed settings:

By investing time and effort into learning your Canon camera and the nuances of shutter speed, you’ll be upgrading your photography skills and capturing more stunning images. With practice and a solid grasp of the exposure triangle, the world of professional photography is within your reach.


I started playing with photography when a friend introduced me to Astrophotography, then I did two courses in basic and advanced photography with analog and DSLR cameras. Now I just enjoy taking picture in my travels.

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