
How to Change Shutter Speed on Sony: A Quick Guide for Better Photos

Sony cameras have earned a solid reputation for their high-quality images and impressive technology. If you’ve recently invested in a Sony camera, you might be eager to explore the many settings and functions available to you. One of the most essential skills to learn as a photographer is shutter speed control, and in this article,…

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Sony cameras have earned a solid reputation for their high-quality images and impressive technology. If you’ve recently invested in a Sony camera, you might be eager to explore the many settings and functions available to you. One of the most essential skills to learn as a photographer is shutter speed control, and in this article, I’ll walk you through the process of adjusting it specifically on Sony cameras.

Understanding the basics of shutter speed is key to capturing stunning images. To put it simply, shutter speed determines the amount of time the camera’s sensor is exposed to light, ultimately affecting the brightness and sharpness of your photos. By manipulating the shutter speed, you can freeze fast-moving subjects or create artistic motion blur effects – the possibilities are almost endless.


Let’s dive into the specifics of how to change shutter speed on your Sony camera. With a few simple adjustments, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this fundamental aspect of photography and taking your shots to the next level. So, buckle up and get ready to unlock your camera’s full potential!

Understanding Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is a crucial component of photography that determines how long the camera sensor is exposed to light while capturing an image. It’s typically measured in fractions of a second, and understanding how to adjust it can help enhance your photos.

Let me begin with the basics. The camera shutter acts as a barrier that opens and closes, allowing light to enter the camera and hit the sensor. Faster shutter speeds (e.g., 1/1000) let in less light and slower shutter speeds (e.g., 1/30) allow more light to enter. This directly affects the brightness of the image as well as the perception of motion.

To give you a better idea, here are some standard shutter speed settings:

Shutter Speed (s)Purpose
1/2000 – 1/1000Fast-action sports or wildlife photography
1/500 – 1/250General action, such as children playing or cars driving past
1/125 – 1/60Sufficient for most handheld shots
1/30 – 1/15Creative blur for slight motion or slower subjects, often requiring a tripod
1/8 – 1Night photography or intentionally blurring motion
2 – 30Extreme low light situations, astrophotography, or light painting

Consider these two scenarios to understand the importance of adjusting shutter speed:

It’s important to note that adjusting shutter speed also impacts your camera’s exposure. While a fast shutter speed reduces the light exposure and can darken the image, a slow shutter speed increases the light exposure and potentially overexpose the image. To compensate for these changes, you may need to adjust your camera’s aperture or ISO settings as well.

In summary, understanding and controlling shutter speed is vital for capturing images with the right amount of motion and optimal exposure. As a photographer, mastering this skill will help you make the most of various shooting conditions and maximize the potential of your Sony camera.

Sony Camera Types

In order to understand how to change the shutter speed on a Sony camera, it’s essential to familiarize ourselves with the different types of Sony cameras available on the market. I’ll discuss the three main categories that most Sony cameras fall into: Mirrorless, Compact, and SLT/Translucent Mirror cameras.

Mirrorless Cameras

Sony’s mirrorless cameras are known for their high-performance capabilities and versatility. Within this category, we have two main series, the Alpha (A) series and the NEX series. The Alpha series is further divided into full-frame (A7 and A9 models) and APS-C sensors (A6000 series).

Some popular models in this category include the Sony A7 III, A7R IV, and A6600.

Compact Cameras

Compact cameras, also known as point-and-shoot cameras, are perfect for casual photographers and travelers who prioritize compactness and simplicity. Sony offers two main series in this category: the Cyber-shot RX series and the W/H series.

Notable models in this category include the Sony RX100 VII and the Sony WX350.

SLT/Translucent Mirror Cameras

Sony’s SLT, or Single Lens Translucent, cameras utilize a unique translucent mirror technology that allows for faster autofocus and continuous shooting. This category primarily consists of the Alpha A-mount series cameras.

Some popular models in this category include the Sony A99 II and the A77 II.

Now that we’ve briefly explored the different types of Sony cameras available, we can proceed with a clearer understanding of how to change the shutter speed on each specific model. Remember, the exact steps may vary slightly based on the camera model you own, but the general process should be similar across all Sony cameras.

Changing the shutter speed on a Sony camera can feel like a daunting task, but knowing how to navigate through the menus makes it much easier. I’ve broken down the process into manageable steps, so you can get the most out of your Sony camera. Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Access the Main Menu
To start, first turn on your camera. Press the MENU button located at the back of your Sony camera. This will bring up the main menu screen where you’ll find various settings options for your camera.

Step 2: Find the Camera Settings
Within the main menu, there are multiple tabs represented by icons. Look for the Camera Settings tab, which typically looks like a camera icon. This tab holds many of the essential settings you’ll need to control your Sony camera’s functionality.

Step 3: Locate the Shutter Speed Setting
Inside the Camera Settings tab, you’ll find different sections with settings related to image quality, autofocus, and more. To change the shutter speed, navigate to the Exposure section. There, you will find a setting called Shutter Speed, which indicates the currently selected shutter speed value.

Step 4: Adjust the Shutter Speed
Select the Shutter Speed setting to access the available options. The available shutter speeds on Sony cameras usually range from 1/8000s to 30s (not all cameras have the same range). Here’s a table to give you an idea of common shutter speeds:

Shutter SpeedSituation
1/8000s – 1/1000sFast action, sports, or freezing motion
1/500s – 1/60sEveryday situations, natural movement
1/30s – 1sLow light, artistic effects, motion blur
2s – 30sNight photography, long exposure

Use the directional pad, front or rear dials to scroll through the available shutter speeds and choose the desired one. Press the center button or the SET button to confirm your selection.

Additional Tips:

Now you know how to navigate the Sony camera menus and change the shutter speed. With a bit of practice, adjusting settings will become second nature. So go ahead and experiment with various shutter speeds to enhance your photography skills.

Adjusting Shutter Speed on Sony DSLRs

Adjusting the shutter speed on Sony DSLRs is not as difficult as it might seem. In fact, it’s a relatively simple process that allows photographers to have greater control over their images. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced photographer, understanding how to change the shutter speed on your Sony camera can greatly enhance your photography skills.

Step 1: Switch to Manual Mode
First, let’s put our Sony DSLR in manual mode. By doing this, we’ll have full control over the camera’s settings, including shutter speed. To switch to manual mode, look for a dial with the letters ‘M,’ ‘S,’ ‘A,’ and ‘P’, which stands for Manual, Shutter Priority, Aperture Priority, and Program Auto, respectively. Turn the dial until the ‘M’ aligns with the indicator mark.

Step 2: Locate the Shutter Speed Controls
Next, we need to locate the shutter speed controls on our Sony DSLR. Most Sony models have a control dial or control wheel near the rear right side of the camera. This is where we’ll be able to adjust the shutter speed.

Step 3: Adjust the Shutter Speed
To adjust the shutter speed, rotate the control dial or control wheel. Shutter speeds usually range from as fast as 1/4000s to as slow as 30s, depending on the camera model. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the shutter speed scale:

Shutter SpeedTypes of Photography
1/2000 – 1/1000sAction/Sports
1/500 – 1/250sWildlife/Candid
1/125 – 1/30sGeneral Photography/Portraits
1s – 30sLow-Light/Night

Step 4: Review and Adjust
After setting our desired shutter speed, it’s important to review the resulting image to ensure it’s not too bright or too dark, as shutter speed affects the overall exposure. If necessary, we may need to adjust the shutter speed again, along with the ISO and aperture settings, until we achieve proper exposure.

Having the ability to change the shutter speed on our Sony DSLR opens up a world of creative possibilities, allowing us to experiment and capture stunning photos with ease. So, don’t be afraid to play around with the shutter speed and hone your skills in the world of photography!

Changing Shutter Speed on Sony Mirrorless Cameras

When it comes to mastering photography techniques, learning how to change the shutter speed is essential. Sony mirrorless cameras are especially popular for their user-friendly design and exceptional quality. I’ll walk you through the process of adjusting the shutter speed on these remarkable cameras.

First, let’s quickly review what shutter speed is. It’s the length of time the camera’s shutter remains open while taking a photo, and it directly impacts how much light enters the camera. Fast shutter speeds freeze motion, whereas slow speeds create motion blur. Having control over your shutter speed enables you to better capture various types of scenes.

Now, let me break down the process of changing the shutter speed into simple steps.

  1. Turn on the camera: Ensure that your Sony mirrorless camera is powered on and ready for use.
  2. Set the camera mode: Rotate the mode dial, located on top of the camera, to M (Manual) or S (Shutter Priority). In Manual mode, you’ll have full control over aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, whereas Shutter Priority mode allows you to set the shutter speed while the camera automatically adjusts the aperture.
  3. Adjust the shutter speed: On most Sony mirrorless models, the primary control dial (located near the shutter button) is used to change the shutter speed setting. Turn the dial left or right to adjust the shutter speed. In Manual mode, you can also use the secondary control dial (located near the camera’s rear) to adjust the aperture.

Here’s a quick reference table for some common shutter speeds:

Shutter SpeedSuitable Scenes
1/2000 – 1/1000sFreezing fast-moving subjects
1/500 – 1/250sSports and action photography
1/125 – 1/60sHandheld shots, casual photography
1/30 – 1sIntentional motion blur, low-light situations

Remember these tips when adjusting shutter speed:

By following these steps and tips, you’ll have the know-how to effectively change the shutter speed on your Sony mirrorless camera and achieve a wide range of creative effects in your photography.

Using Shutter Priority Mode

Shutter priority mode plays a vital role in capturing sharp, clear images with your Sony camera. I’m going to walk you through the process of changing the shutter speed with ease, so you can fine-tune your photography skills. By the end of this section, you’ll be able to adjust the shutter speed like a pro.

To get started, turn the camera on by pressing the power button. Once the camera is on, select the mode dial at the top of the camera and rotate it to “S” or “Tv” depending on your Sony camera model. This sets your camera to Shutter Priority Mode, allowing you to control the shutter speed directly.

Now that you’re in Shutter Priority Mode, locate the main command dial or control wheel, typically found on the back or top of the camera. Here’s how you can change shutter speed depending on your camera model:

As you make adjustments, you’ll notice that the shutter speed value changes, displayed on the LCD screen or in the viewfinder. Shutter speeds are typically displayed as fractions of a second (e.g., 1/60) or seconds for longer exposures (e.g., 2″ for a 2-second exposure).

To help with your photography, I’ve curated a list of ideal shutter speeds for various types of photography:

Type of PhotographyRecommended Shutter Speed
Landscape1/125 to 1/250
Portraits1/60 to 1/125
Sports & Wildlife1/500 or faster
Night & Low Light1/30 or longer (use a tripod)

Remember, adjusting shutter speed affects the exposure, so you might need to compensate for changes in brightness. The camera will automatically adjust the aperture, but you can also tweak the ISO settings if needed.

In summary, using Shutter Priority Mode on your Sony camera gives you complete control over shutter speed, which directly impacts the sharpness and overall quality of your images. Experiment with different shutter speeds for various types of photography and watch your skills flourish.

Working with Manual Mode

When it’s time to take full control over your Sony camera, you should be familiar with the manual mode. The shutter speed is a crucial factor that impacts the overall exposure and motion in your images. In this section, I’ll guide you through some key steps to understand and change shutter speed manually on your Sony camera.

Begin with switching your camera to manual mode by turning the mode dial to M. This allows you to control both the aperture and shutter speed individually. Familiarize yourself with the various manual mode features and settings to ensure you can efficiently adjust them without hassle.

Changing the shutter speed is straightforward. Locate the dial, wheel, or button that adjusts the shutter speed on your specific Sony camera model. This control might differ between camera models, so refer to your camera’s user manual in case you can’t find it. However, most Sony cameras utilize the scroll wheel or rear control dial for this purpose.

Shutter speed is generally represented as a fractional number or value in seconds. For example:

Shutter SpeedTypeDescription
1/15SlowVisible motion blur
1/60ModerateSharp photos of people
1/125FastSports action shots
1/1000 or higherVery FastFreezing fast motion

Depending on your subject and desired outcomes, you’ll need to adjust the shutter speed accordingly. Here are some guidelines:

When adjusting your shutter speed, remember to keep an eye on the exposure meter – it’s essential to maintain a balanced exposure. As you change the shutter speed, you may need to compensate by adjusting the aperture and ISO to avoid under- or overexposed images.

Keep in mind that working in manual mode means you’re in control; the camera won’t automatically handle exposure adjustments for you. Practice makes perfect, so continue experimenting and refining your skills at adjusting shutter speed manually to capture the precise shots you desire.

Optimizing Shutter Speed for Different Scenes

When it comes to capturing the perfect shot, shutter speed is crucial. I’ll walk you through how to optimize your shutter speed in various scenarios, taking your Sony camera’s performance to the next level.

Landscape Photography

For stunning landscape photos, it’s essential to use slow shutter speeds. This allows for more light to enter, capturing vibrant colors and a broader dynamic range. Typically, a shutter speed of 1/60 to 1/8 works well for landscapes. Use a tripod to minimize camera shake at these slower speeds.

Action and Sports Photography

Fast-paced action calls for higher shutter speeds to freeze motion and produce sharp images. For action and sports, aim for shutter speeds between 1/250 and 1/2000. Experiment within this range to find the sweet spot for the particular event or activity you’re capturing.

Night and Low Light Photography

In low light situations, I open up my shutter for extended periods to allow in as much light as possible. This can be anywhere from 1/30 down to 30 seconds or longer, depending on the scene. Just remember to use a tripod, as camera shake becomes more evident at these slow speeds.

Wildlife and Bird Photography

Capturing wildlife or birds in flight requires nimble fingers and fast shutter speeds. I recommend starting at 1/500 and adjusting according to the subject’s speed and movement. If the animal is quicker or has erratic motion, you might need to raise your shutter speed to 1/2000 or even 1/4000.

To summarize, here are some recommended shutter speeds for different scenes:

SceneShutter Speed
Landscape1/60 to 1/8
Action & Sports1/250 to 1/2000
Night & Low Light1/30 to 30s+
Wildlife & Birds1/500 to 1/4000

Armed with these tips, you’ll be ready to optimize shutter speed for a variety of scenes. Experiment and practice until you master the perfect settings for capturing your vision with your Sony camera. Happy shooting!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, adjusting the shutter speed on a Sony camera may not go as smoothly as anticipated. I’ve compiled a list of some common issues and their solutions to help during those frustrating moments.

Issue 1: Shutter speed settings not available or grayed out

Issue 2: Over- or underexposed images

Issue 3: Shaky or blurry images

Issue 4: Sync issues with external flashes

Issue 5: Shutter speed not responding to adjustments

With these troubleshooting tips, I hope you’ll find it easier to tackle any shutter speed issues that may arise. Don’t be afraid to experiment with various settings – after all, practice makes perfect, and soon you’ll be able to adjust the shutter speed on your Sony camera like a pro.


Mastering the art of adjusting shutter speed on a Sony camera can greatly improve your photography skills. With a little practice, you’ll soon be able to capture stunning shots in various lighting conditions and freeze movement with ease.

There are three main things I’d like to emphasize before wrapping up this article:

Remember to take your time and practice consistently. Changing shutter speed on your Sony camera will become a second nature. It’s important to have patience and enjoy the journey of enhancing your photography skills.

Here’s a quick recap of the essential steps for changing shutter speed on a Sony camera:

  1. Turn the camera on and select the appropriate shooting mode
  2. Look for the shutter speed icon or value on your camera’s display
  3. Use the control wheel or buttons to adjust shutter speed
  4. Press the shutter button to take the shot and review the results

Finally, don’t forget to take advantage of the various resources available for learning more about Sony cameras and photography techniques. YouTube tutorials, photography blogs, and forums are excellent sources for expanding your knowledge on this intriguing subject.

Now go out, practice, and watch your photography evolve as you master the skill of adjusting shutter speed on your Sony camera. Happy shooting!


I started playing with photography when a friend introduced me to Astrophotography, then I did two courses in basic and advanced photography with analog and DSLR cameras. Now I just enjoy taking picture in my travels.

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